by Leanne Wakeling | Culture, Family
Whether you’re a die-hard Festive Season fan or someone who just wants to get it over with, the holidays are full of stress-inducing moments. As kids, my family was generally on the move in one way or another. All part of being a military family. Dad was going to...
by Leanne Wakeling | Emotional Fitness
As the saying goes, ASSUME makes an ass out of YOU (U) and ME.What that means is that when we come from assumption, we only have a portion of the factorsto be considered and potentially end up acting like an ass. When we assume, we are looking through the filters of...
by Leanne Wakeling | Parenting
Seriously, it’s a thing.We mothers want to do so well that sometimes our choices are driven by what we believe we are supposed to do. The problem comes when those beliefs are outdated, the process has been surpassed or the actions don’t match our child.Assuming that...
by Leanne Wakeling | Children, Human Behaviour
Whether as kids, or as adults, we are wired to keep ourselves safe. The problem is that for those of us with strong-willed children, they may trigger internal programming in our safety warning system that means we don’t always make the best choices in the moment.The...
by Leanne Wakeling | Children, Human Behaviour
When your kids are having a hard time, do you get caught in the whirlwind?It’s easy to get caught in the whirlwind for sure. When they or we are not being our best selves.The reference to whirlwind comes from the leadership book 4 Disciplines of Execution.It’s the...