by Leanne Wakeling | Children, Human Behaviour
Whether as kids, or as adults, we are wired to keep ourselves safe. The problem is that for those of us with strong-willed children, they may trigger internal programming in our safety warning system that means we don’t always make the best choices in the moment.The...
by Leanne Wakeling | Children, Human Behaviour
When your kids are having a hard time, do you get caught in the whirlwind?It’s easy to get caught in the whirlwind for sure. When they or we are not being our best selves.The reference to whirlwind comes from the leadership book 4 Disciplines of Execution.It’s the...
by Leanne Wakeling | Children, Development
So many parents find themselves in a world of frustration because their child isn’t meeting expectations. What I mean is, you want one thing, and they are doing or saying something else. Then, depending on the meanings that the adult attributes to the behaviour as to...
by Leanne Wakeling | Emotional Fitness, Resilience
I was reading this great article on the value of chitchat, one of the simplest forms of communication we have for building relationships. As an extroverted communicator and processor this tends to come easily to me. This can be much more of a challenge to the...
by Leanne Wakeling | Communication and Relationship, Education, Family, Leadership, Mindset, Parenting, Perspective
I have recently taken to watching the series Parenthood in replays. BTW is a great series about three generations of a family with the Grandparents, their four children, and the children’s children.Like any great program the characters are well written and when...