Meta DynamicsTM
The Difference between Meta Dynamics™ and NLP
- Traditional psychology focuses on the past.
- NLP focuses on the present & short-term change.
- Meta Dynamics™ coaches the entire timeline and integrates past, present and future for cohesive, lasting, and meaningful change
Please note, Meta Dynamics™ doesn’t stand against traditional coaching or NLP. Rather it seeks to integrate, distil and adapt the most effective tools and strategies, which in turn evolve and give rise to its own original models and methodologies.
- The evolution continues through the practical application, training and feedback – both formal and informal – of Meta Dynamics™ practitioners, coaches, consultants and their clients.
Meta Dynamics™ has its own research-based coaching models and methodology, including:
- Critical Alignment Model – this is the foundation of the Meta Dynamics™ Profiling Tool.
- T.R.U.S.T. M.E. Model – based on the work of Clare W. Graves and Spiral Dynamics.
- I-AMNESS Triad and Self-Love models are the latest development, based on an extensive library of work on Family Therapy, Tribal Cycles, Roles and Developmental Psychology, most significantly led by John Bradshaw.
Meta Dynamics™ Profiling Tool is based on Critical Alignment Model.
- Over 400+ traits were tested and analysed through for relevance and correlation to the Critical Alignment Model dimensions and proposed behavioural and thinking patterns; distilling it down to 4 categories, 16 dimensions, and 64 traits.
- Results and relevance are cross-referenced and cross-examined with major psychometric models including: Big 5 Personality Traits, HEXACO, NEO Personality Inventory, MBTI, DISC, EQSQ, and more.
In terms of evidence there is several thousand pages of data analysis over the 3 years of research and development.
The encoding and formula, is the intellectual property of The Coaching Institute.
Extended DISC®
Extended DISC Grow & Develop We all face situations daily when our typical approach – or style- that often works well, does not achieve the results we are aiming for. Our approach makes perfect sense to us, but others do not appear to “get it”. We may try different approaches, but the process is hit or miss. It is frustrating and unproductive. What causes all these problems? The reality is that as human beings we are all different. We have our own ways of doing things and behaving in different situations. These differences often cause challenges in our professional and personal lives. The important thing is that we need to understand how we are different and how we can more effectively interact with different styles and, therefore, ultimately improve our performance. What is the Extended DISC Grow & Develop Assessment? Many of the world’s most successful people and organisations use a Behavioural Assessment System known as Extended DISC. Extended DISC Assessments help people in that long and fascinating journey to your inner self. We all have the ability to improve ourselves by understanding ourselves more effectively and by identifying the strengths and weaknesses in our behaviour. The Extended DISC Grow & Develop Assessment equips you with the following tools to help you improve your relationships.
- Observing and analysing behaviour
- How to interact with people and to help them
- Motivate and manage people more effectively
- Ensure effective communication
How do I use my Grow & Develop Assessment? Grow & Develop Assessments help match people to their ideal role and help people understand their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, the Grow & Develop Assessment will help you understand:
- Situations in which you are comfortable or uncomfortable
- Why some tasks simply take more energy and others seem easy taking much less energy
- Your preferred Job Content
- Your natural Learning Style
- How you are motivated
- Situations that cause you stress or pressure
- As well as your strengths and development areas in a range of other soft skillsA Grow & Develop Assessment can help individuals to focus on areas they need to develop and help them understand why they react to different people in different ways.