by Leanne Wakeling | Emotional Fitness
Words have a great influence on how we experience our world. Being aware of and noticing the words we use, whether talking to ourselves or to others impacts how we relate to each other. This week “should” has been showing up A LOT, both in other people’s language,...
by Leanne Wakeling | Emotional Fitness, Parenting
Respect can be a big trigger issue for lots of us. It’s a common problem in our parent/child relationship, and often drives resentment in our adult relationships too. Why is respect important? Receiving respect from others is important because it helps us to feel...
by Leanne Wakeling | Culture, Mindset, Parenting, Perspective
Have you ever stopped to think about the ultimate goal of raising your children? Do you take time to reflect on why you chose to become parents, or has parenthood become more of an automatic operation than a conscious choice? These questions emerged during...
by Leanne Wakeling | Emotional Fitness, Perspective
Inspired by Brene Brown’s “I thought it was just me”This was a penny drop for me when it comes to the desire for self-esteem. Whether it be for yourself or for your child/ren. When we know we aren’t alone, life becomes so much easier.When we are no longer...
by Leanne Wakeling | Emotional Fitness
As the saying goes, ASSUME makes an ass out of YOU (U) and ME.What that means is that when we come from assumption, we only have a portion of the factorsto be considered and potentially end up acting like an ass. When we assume, we are looking through the filters of...
by Leanne Wakeling | Emotional Fitness, Perspective
As a kid, one of the patterns in my family was focusing forward. There was lots of instability in all sorts of areas of our life. Not the least of which being in a military family so we moved around a bit. My mum was also inclined to perfectionist strategy (aka fear...